# Optimizing Performance

You can do the following to optimize scrolling performance and fluency.

# Import different modes file according to your needs

If you only want custom scrollbars and don't need pull-refreh, push-load , etc. slide mode features, you can just import the files like this that only contain native mode features, such as:

import vuescroll from 'vuescroll/dist/vuescroll-native';
// .... css file

Or you just want the features of the slide mode, such aspull-refreh, andpush-load, rather than the features of thenative mode, you can just import the files only contains theslide mode features , such as:

import vuescroll from 'vuescroll/dist/vuescroll-slide';
// .... css file

# Manually disable detectResize options

To detect changes in element sizes, vuescroll injects an object element into the rendered component DOM to detect changes in content by listening itsresize event, and you can set thedetectResize option to false like this

data() {
    return {
        ops: {
          vuescroll: {
            detectResize: false

This way vuescroll won't inject object, but it also loses the ability to detect changes in content.

Last Updated: 9/18/2018, 12:56:31 PM