# Slot

# Animations of pull-refresh/push-load

In the case of mode for slide and when pull-refresh/push-load is enabled, a different slot can be sent to Vuescroll as a hint for different stages of pull-refresh/push-load.Make sure thatthe position of your slot DOM is absolute, or may cause some bugs.

# Refresh

slot name Corresponding stage Description
refresh-deactive deactive The hint of the deactive stage display DOM
refresh-beforeDeactive beforeDeactive The hint of the before deactive stage display DOM
refresh-start start The hint of the start stage display DOM
refresh-active active The hint of the active stage display DOM

# Usage

<div calss="parent">
        <!-- Refresh-slot -->
        <div class="slot-refresh" slot="refresh-start"></div>
        <div class="child">

# Load

slot name Corresponding stage Description
load-deactive deactive The hint of the deactive stage display DOM
load-beforeDeactive beforeDeactive The hint of the before deactive stage display DOM
load-start start The hint of the start stage display DOM
load-active active The hint of the active stage display DOM

# Usage

<div calss="parent">
        <!-- Load-slot -->
        <div class="slot-load" slot="load-start"></div>
        <div class="child">
Customize different load animations.
Choose an animation...

source code.

# Customize Container/Panel/Content

# Usage

  <div calss="parent">
      <!-- Customize container -->
      <test-slot slot="scroll-container" name="container"> </test-slot>

      <!-- Customize  panel-->
      <test-slot slot="scroll-panel" name="container"> </test-slot>

      <!-- Customize  content-->
      <test-slot slot="scroll-content" name="container"> </test-slot>

      <div class="child"></div>
Vue.component('test-slot', {
  template: '<div :data-id="name"><slot></slot></div>',
  props: ['name']
Last Updated: 12/30/2018, 5:43:21 AM